West Los Angeles, CA -- In 1990, taking with him his ten years of success fashioning the Hamburger Habit for West Hollywood residents at the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and Robertson, as well as the 22-year-old company name and menu, owner Frank Pezeshki moved across town and duplicated the Hamburger Habit experience in a brand, spanking, new, gleaming, '50's-style', red-and-white, glass-walled Hamburger Habit restaurant at the corner of National and Sepulveda in West Los Angeles.
It's no secret that Southern Californians have the hamburger habit...they consume 360 million pounds of hamburger a year. But it may be news that hamburger lovers can find at Hamburger Habit such a high-quality, lean, ground chuck steak hamburger. Their meat contains only 10 to 12% fat, as compared to 18 to 22% fat found in most other restaurant burgers. And is it fresh? For sure. The meat is specially ground just for the Hamburger Habit and is delivered fresh, not frozen, daily.
Hamburger Habit is exactly what Frank, a Cal Poly Pomona Business Management and Marketing graduate, always aspired to. "It may sound corny, but I always dreamed of owning an 'American-as-apple-pie' fast-food restaurant where the quality of food was higher and healthier... where the service was finer and faster... and where the premises were cleaner and hygienically safer... than any of the competitions'... yet for nearly the same price."
Hamburger Habit is real. It's real clean. (one person is employed to do nothing but clean, stem-to-stern, full-time.) We serve real fresh squeezed orange juice. We crisp our delicious French fries in real cholesterol-free Canola oil, and imported oil that costs more than twice as much as the oil used in most fast-food restaurants; We spread real butter on the corn on the cob; We offer really fast service (four minutes max between placing an order and receiving it) and it's real inexpensive. As "New West Magazine wrote of the Hamburger Habit, "The depression-era prices could put McDonalds out of business... a great place for hearty, inexpensive fast dinner or lunch."
Trend watcher Faith Popcorn says of the '90's and it's also true in the new millennium: "It will be about community and concern and people paring down and becoming more conservative about value for the dollar." Frank has managed to provide a habitat fitting right into that trend. We are committed to providing the community of burger lovers not only value for the dollar, but he is concerned enough for people's health to serve the food in a perfectly pristine environment. To any of those Southern Californians consuming an average of 30 pounds of hamburgers each year, let it be known that the Hamburger Habit is one of those good habits that you don't want to shake... you want to keep developing the Hamburger Habit by constant repetition.
Fifteen years later, in it's new location, Hamburger Habit has become a Los Angeles landmark and is the premiere destination for hamburger lovers in West Los Angeles as well as hamburger lovers coming to Los Angeles from all around the world.
Families have a special place at Hamburger Habit because of the kid friendly atmosphere with balloons, lollipops (for adults too) coloring sheets and crayons. There is also fast, personal, friendly, first name service by a staff that has been with Frank over 14 years.
Even though the menu has expanded over the years, it remains simple and healthy and reflects changing food trends and meets the needs of those hamburger lovers who are always on their next diet.